13.12.2022 | 35 min watch

How growers are gaining the advantage by adopting SaaS technology

New research reveals the value created with SaaS solutions in horticulture

Webinar overview

As technology continues to transform the horticultural industry, many growers remain skeptical that technology providers are able to deliver the value they promise. SaaS (Software as a Service) technology is one area that is met with some resistance from growers, with many adopting a "wait and see" approach. But what is the cost of waiting? And what do the growers and technology providers require from each other to move forward.

In this webinar you'll learn:

  • What growers need from tech providers when it comes to SaaS adoption

  • How to maximize the value of SaaS solutions you choose

  • How other growers foresee SaaS as a way to add value to their operations

This webinar is presented by:

  • Daniel Than, Customer Success Director
  • Annelot Schmeitz, Research Specialist

Webinar transcript