Monitor plant health in real-time

Access to timely plant health data is key to detecting early signs of crop stress.

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Digitize your plant health monitoring and get ahead of any crop risk

Ensuring the health of your plants is paramount in protected environments. Over a growing cycle, plants can be exposed to various factors that induce stress. Managing the resulting effects helps keep plant development on target and meet production goals. However,  for low-tech or mid-tech growers, it’s often difficult to monitor plant health, the exact level of stress experienced, and the degree to which that is affecting production quality and quantity. 

Our advanced digital agronomy solutions enable real-time plant health monitoring, ensuring your crops thrive. FarmRoad, our crop management software, gives you comprehensive visualization and analysis of your microclimates and plant health status and allows you to detect early signs of stress and environmental variation at a farm, compartment and sector level. Manage your crop risk in a timely fashion, optimize your resources and inputs, and ensure your commercial success.

Trusted by horticulture leaders worldwide

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Reduce plant stress to increase production quality and quantity


Optimize your crop yield by monitoring  plant health

Plant stress and varying environmental conditions prevent consistency in production quantity and quality. Having a clear picture of your plant health is key to ensure your commercial success. Take timely actions to adjust your growing environment, decide when and where to use your resources and inputs, or make investment decisions.


Detect early signs
of plant stress


Stressed plants reduce production capacity and have long-term consequences. Measure and compare climate and agronomy data to find relationships, for example, between plant temperature and ambient temperature - so you can improve production quality.

Optimize resources
and inputs


Visualize key agronomy data trends and insights across all your sites. Understanding light patterns helps you identify peak growth periods and optimize resources, such as staffing for picking. For crop protection, this also helps you choose the most effective time to spray.

Enhance your
operational efficiency


Digital agronomy is useful to support investment planning and budgeting decisions. Fine-tune the timing of whitewash application or removal based on air temperature, inside radiation, and plant temperature data to reduce plant stress and improve fruit size.


Thanks to insights built on science, drive improvements across your organization

FarmRoad delivers the insights you need. Harness plant science and AI models for high-value crops developed by our in-house agronomy experts and data scientists.


Proprietary networked sensors

Automatically capture and visualize temperature, relative humidity, CO2, PAR, RAD, EC and barometric pressure readings, as well as plant temperature or soil moisture thanks to FarmRoad’s wireless sensor network. Efficient and consistent plant health monitoring provides the information you need to improve crop yield.


Crop registration and scouting

Complete crop registration in half the time and easily log pest and disease threats by entering data directly into FarmRoad. This eliminates double handling and ensures your workforce spends more time on the farm. Take prompt action to manage pests, nutrient deficiencies and risks of disease by allocating resources and inputs where needed.

Activity feed and data studio

Widely communicate observations, photos and actions in FarmRoad’s activity feed. Get a centralized, custom visualization of all your digital agronomy data, on desktop and mobile, in our data studio. Set up custom alerts by email, SMS or WhatsApp to identify risks of disease or problematic microclimates as they happen.

Group 1621
“Knowing the temperature of the plant can make the difference between stress and maximum photosynthesis.”

David González Maldonado, Grower at NatureSweet


Take your growing practices to the next level


Unify your farm data


Optimize irrigation


Understand microclimates


Manage pests and diseases


Maximize your crop yield

Ready to monitor plant health in real-time?

Schedule a discovery call with our expert team >