Maximize crop yield in protected environments

Trust your ability to meet your tomato production commitments thanks to advanced AI models.

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Embrace context-driven insights to maximize crop yield

Protected cropping growers mostly rely on yield prediction to estimate future production and establish supply contract commitments. Typically conducted manually by a senior grower or an external agronomy consultant, and using models based on historical harvest data, yield prediction calculations are time-consuming and often become less reliable due to evolving climate patterns. More so, these calculations guide planning and crop management decisions to keep plants on track toward the target output. 

Let FarmRoad’s advanced crop-specific AI models do the heavy lifting for you. Maximizing tomato crop yield is now possible through a combination of plant science and actual data-driven environmental and phenology insights from across your farm. Our innovative crop management software simultaneously delivers crop yield predictions faster, whilst reducing the workload required to get them. Giving you confidence you’re on track to meet harvest goals.

Trusted by horticulture leaders worldwide

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Get faster short-term yield prediction forecasts, using 8 weeks of crop data


Rise up to the challenge and achieve optimal crop yield

Growing tomatoes is one of the oldest and well-understood agricultural practices. In a more and more competitive market, with tight margins, increasing production costs and developing regulatory requirements, being able to maximize yield and quality, consistently isn’t nice-to-have. Make informed, data-driven crop management decisions and elevate your operational efficiency.


Grow with
AI-generated insights


It’s time to move from solely relying on traditional yield prediction and become more agile. FarmRoad’s short-term tomato yield forecast is powered by real-time plant health and microclimate data from across your sites, so you can respond swiftly and steer your crops towards desired outcomes.

Strengthen your
market position


Meet your contract targets on time and supply export-grade quality produce with advanced crop-specific plant balance and yield forecast tools. Secure better pricing and strengthen your market position as an industry-leading tomato grower through consistent yields.

Elevate your
operational efficiency


Optimize resources and minimize inputs thanks to digital agronomy insights decision-making. Enhanced crop yield boosts revenue and operational efficiency for a more economically viable farm, spreading fixed costs over higher production volumes and improving profit margins.


Thanks to insights built on science, drive improvements across your organization

FarmRoad delivers the insights you need. Harness plant science and AI models for tomato crops developed by our in-house agronomy experts and data scientists.


Yield prediction

Reap the benefits of a more consistent, predictable yield with FarmRoad's Easy Yield. Leveraging both digital agronomy and harvest tracking data, our short-term tomato yield prediction forecasts up to four weeks ahead, using eight weeks of crop data. Constantly learning, our prediction model accuracy improves over time.


Plant balance indicator

Get an objective measure to view the state of a plant. Using variety-specific crop knowledge, FarmRoad's Plant Balance displays a plant's vegetative or generative status. Regardless of knowledge or experience, you can steer the crop towards targeted outputs and respond to unexpected state changes quickly.

Climate analysis

FarmRoad will automatically analyze the climate conditions across your Farms and tell you how optimal they are for your crop and variety, reducing the need for expert analysis. FarmRoad’s climate analysis lets you see at glance how much time is spent at optimal, below optimal and extreme levels, helping you prioritize areas for focus.


Take your growing practices to the next level


Unify your farm data


Optimize irrigation


Monitor plant health


Understand microclimates


Manage pests and diseases

Ready to maximize crop yield in protected environments?

Schedule a discovery call with our expert team >