18.10.2023 | 3 min read

Fruit Attraction 2023 round up

Dan & Celene outside Fruit Attraction
The WayBeyond team at Fruit Attraction 2023: Business Development Consultant LATAM, Celene Solis, and Customer Success Director, Daniel Than.

Fruit Attraction 2023 held at the Trade Fair Centre in Madrid, Spain earlier this month enjoyed its biggest success to date. For the first time the 3 day event, co-ordinated by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX spanned a total of 9 pavilions with a footprint of over 64,000 square metres.

Strong growth in attendance

Comparing this year's event to the last in 2022, one of the most notable differences was the surge in attendance. With more than 2,200 exhibiting companies from 56 countries and an estimated 90,000 visitors, Fruit Attraction 2023 showed a remarkable increase of over 10% in both exhibitors and attendees compared to the 2022 edition. These figures underscore the growing interest from the fruit and vegetable sector in Fruit Attraction as a destination to do business for professionals at all stages of the supply chain.

Observations from team the ground

Customer Success Director, Daniel Than and LATAM Business Development Manager, Celene Solis were in attendance.

“It was my first time at this event and it really made an impression. Fruit Attraction is a huge event and very well laid out, the Trade Fair Centre is on a single level connected by a central open-air walkway. Exhibitors spanned the full gamut from fruit and vegetables growers, seed companies, microbe suppliers, fertilisers producers, shipping companies, and even ports themselves”, says Daniel.

“I noticed the booths were generally bigger and more ostentatious than Fruit Logistica. Many built with cubicles for networking and meetings as there is no designated meeting space at Fruit Attraction. Some booths even had 2-levels and had an upstairs for meeting”, he continues.

Although people come from all over the world, most were spanish speakers.

Celene observed: “The timing of the event in October is well placed as the growing season has concluded, so growers can actually attend. Some commented that this gives it an edge over Fruit Logistica which happens in February. “

“And, although people come from all over the world, most were spanish speakers”, she notes.

Fruit Attraction has become an indispensable event for securing new sales and worldwide distribution opportunities. Our team reported that Fruit Attraction, now in its 15th year is a place to do business. The majority of participants had booked appointments ahead of time and used the event to get business done. More than 90% of exhibitors and 95% of visitors are annual repeats, helping Fruit Attraction to consolidate its position as one of the main events in the fruit and vegetable sector. 

Into Latin America in 2024

Fruit Attraction will be reaching further in 2024 with an event serving Latin America. They believe that Brazil, the largest market in Latin America, has strong potential to become another successful commercial meeting point for the professional fruit and vegetable sector, integrating the entire value chain and boosting cross-border trade between America and Europe.

Fruit Attraction Sao Paulo will be held 16-18 April 2024.

Booths at Fruit Attraction